HS Code: 0402.21.10 (whole) / 0402.10.10 (skim)
Milk powder is obtained during the drying process of pasteurized normalized cow’s milk. This product is very convenient and easy to use: if you dilute it with ordinary drinking water, you will get a drink that is not inferior in its properties to the usually pasteurized cow.
Milk powder is widely used in the food industry and cooking. Due to its high content, it is used in the preparation of chocolate and sweets. Powdered milk is a part of cereals, baby food, confectionery, condensed milk, yogurts, is used for baking, confectionery, and creams.
100 g of whole milk powder contains: water-2.5 g; protein – 26.3 g; fat – 26.0 g; carbohydrates-38.4 g; cholesterol-97.0 mg
Vitamins: vitamin A (beta-carotene) – 55.0 mcg; vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 0.3 mg; vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) – 1.2 mg; vitamin B3 or vitamin PP (Niacin) – 0.7 mg; vitamin B4 (choline) – 119.3 mg; vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) – 2.3 mg; vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) – 0.3 mg; vitamin B9 (folic acid) – 37.0 mcg; vitamin B12 (cobalamin) – 3.3 mcg; vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – 8.6 mg; vitamin B (cholecalciferol) – 10.5 mcg; vitamin E (tocopherol) – 0.6 mg; vitamin H (Biotin) – 20.0 mcg; vitamin K (phylloquinone) – 2.2 mcg
Macroelements: potassium-1330 mg; calcium – 912 mg; magnesium-85 mg; sodium-371 mg; phosphorus-776 mg
Trace elements: iron-0.5 mg; manganese-0.04 mg; copper-0.1 mg; selenium – 16.3 mcg; zinc-3.3 mg
The energy value of 100 g of whole milk powder is about 496.0 kcal / 2.075 kJ.